
Unexpected end of archive winrar
Unexpected end of archive winrar

  • Step 3: A window pops-up choose, “Treat corrupt archive as RAR” option.
  • Step 2: Select the RAR file and click on “Repair” button from the tool bar.
  • Step 1: Run WinRAR program and browse to the drive or folder where your corrupt RAR file is present.
  • Given below are the steps which might help you in recovering some files from your corrupted RAR archive:

    unexpected end of archive winrar

    There are few reasons for getting unexpected end of archive RAR error you usually encounter this error when you start a downloading process and after downloading few GBs (gigabytes) or MBs (megabytes), it stops and displays a message as download complete. Why Unexpected End of RAR Archive Error Occurs? This means that the RAR file which you are trying to access is inaccessible due to corruption. Sometimes when trying to extract files from RAR archive, you might come across error message stating, “Unexpected end of archive”. RAR archive is more prone to corruption when you transfer it over the internet. The main advantage of using these files is that, it saves memory on hard disk and these RAR files can be easily transferred over the internet. Zip.Save( Archive files often called as RAR are files used to compress all kinds of files like songs, movies, video clips, documents and many more. (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(file.ZipFileDirectory) & (file.ZipFileDirectory != file.ZipFileDirectory, file.FileName) : Zip.AddFile(file.FileLocation, file.ZipFileDirectory).FileName = Zip.MaxOutputSegmentSize = 819200 // I tried adding this and it did not fix the problem ("content-disposition", "filename=" + "MyFileName" + ("MMddyyyy") + ".zip") When I open the Zip file, there is only one file displayed with a size of "0." So it seems like some sort of size limit is being reached and it's not allowing the archive to be created. Testing in this manner, I believe I've ruled out the problem being related to my code or the files (being corrupt or something). It worked fine until about 10 images were added, then, when I opened the Zip file using WinRar, I would get the "Unexpected end of archive" error. tiff image, I would add a few extra copies, test, repeat.

    unexpected end of archive winrar

    I received an error for the first time today and it appears to be related to the total size of the archive. I have a method that zips up one or more files using DotNetZip, and it has been working correctly.

    Unexpected end of archive winrar